Thursday, July 25, 2013

Baked Egg in Avocado

First off, i'd like to say that i managed to make this without making a mess!!! (it helps to read comments about things before trying them lol)

I'll go first in how i made it then how it tasted.

Scoop out some of the avocado first, this is to make room for the egg.
my halves weren't very even and i ended up scooping out a little more after this picture. Though should of done just a tiny bit more on the bigger half.

Add the egg.
I used a muffin tin to keep them steady because many people complained that when trying to put it in the oven that they would rock and make a mess of the egg.

and then cook.
I didn't exactly follow the recipe. i started off at a too low of temperature and i probably cooked alittle too long because i wanted to make sure the egg was cooked.

So i cooked it and didn't make a mess....That's about the only good thing about this lol.
The egg was rubbery from my funky cooking it. Biggest thing i learned from this is that i don't like baked avocado. I managed to eat the eggs fairly fine, but i just couldn't eat the avocado.

I won't say don't try it, but just cook it right and make sure you scoop some of it out before putting the egg in.

I'd link to what recipe i looked at before trying this, but i can't find it. :(

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