Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Just between friends kids consignment sale

This is an AMAZING sale! It's so large and can find some amazing deals on saving. I go to my local sale that is in Portland, Oregon. There are many other sales else where, you can check here to see if you have one near by you, http://jbfsale.com/stateLocations.jsp?webPageName=usaLocations. Check out http://jbfsale.com if you would just like to gather more information on the sale. Your local sale might have a facebook like page too, here's my local one https://www.facebook.com/jbfportland.

I first heard about this sale through someone my mom bowled with while i was pregnant. We hadn't gotten a lot of things yet that i needed for my daughter before we heard about the sale, so me and my mom decided to check it out because the lady had only good to say about it. We were pleasantly surprised about how many it was. I was able to sign up to be a first time parent which got me into the sale before the public. That sale we had managed to get practically everything i needed, a travel crib, diaper pail, changing table, clothing and whatever else we ended up getting, it was a few years ago that i first went. Since that sale, i had been to every sale. I even started to sell at them once my daughter started to grow out of her stuff.

Fast forwarding to the most recent sale. Here's some pictures from https://www.facebook.com/jbfportland to show how how large this sale is.

All the racks of clothing just get blurred in distance.

There's always a lot of stuffed animals. Not sure how well they really do though. I did by that large giraffe at the bottom of the picture though :)

Here's another section not in the first picture.

As you can see from the pictures is that it is a HUGE sale. The volunteers, consignors, and first time parents/foster parents/teachers(i believe) get to shop before the public. I have been going at the consignor's time to shop, which is just after the volunteer's time and whenever i see the pictures of how the sale looked before it started and seeing how many things out when i drop my items off, a good chunk of the items are already sold before i even get there. There's still lots to go through when i'm there, and there has to be still a ton left for the public sale because the times i've picked up my unsold items there is a huge pile of donated items and i'll see people picking up a bunch of items that they didn't want to be donated when it didn't sell.

Selling at the sale is so easy. Make the tags at home, print them and attach them yourself. After you get everything all dropped off, you just wait for things to sell, no needing to be with your items at the sale like you would at a garage sale. You will even get updated on if anything had sold when they update the website at the end of each sale day. I love that part. It's so exciting to see if anything has sold.
The amount you make is pretty good too. You make 65% of what the items sell for and then there's a selling fee. The fee depends on whether you are donating or picking up items. It's only $10 if you just donate any unsold items, which i started to do because i keep selling less and less with each sale, so i didn't want to just go pick up a few items, though if i just never donated anything then i could still maybe have more items to sell at each sale lol.

You do sometimes come across items that seemed to be missed from inspection for quality, items with holes, stains/dirty, etc. They do a good job over all. It is volunteer based too. I've seen things with hole or stains, which if you just bring it to one of volunteers then they will pull it from the sale so that no one buys a stained or holey item. I think the shoes get a little over looked though, i find a lot of them being more on the dirty side and one time i didn't realize a pair of shoes were two different sizes until after i paid and got home with them. Though you can't completely blame the sale on accepting the items, the sellers should of looked closer at their items before trying to sell them. But also the buyer is the last line of defense on quality they are willing to buy. These were mostly just things i've noticed, overall the sale does a great job, just a few hiccups sometimes happen.

I think that is the basics i wanted to try and cover about the sale. Here's a few pictures of things i got from this last sale.

That last picture is showing the size difference in the large pillow pet to the giraffe that i got at this sale.

I spent about $165 at the sale and from what i tried to figured up, the original cost(alone with just buying online new/used) that i would of spent was between $400-500. So great savings, and great sale!

As for what i made on the sale, i only made a little over $20 because i didn't have a lot that i was selling.

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